Cookie and Baby Elsa

About Cookie and Baby Elsa

When we rescued Cookie from a New Jersey auction, we had no idea she was pregnant—but we soon learned she was carrying a precious little life.

When baby Elsa was born, we should have been celebrating. But something was terribly wrong.

Cookie refused to let Elsa nurse.

This heartbreaking situation is more common than people realize, and without her mother’s milk and colostrum, Elsa’s life was in immediate danger.

A Race Against Time

Knowing every second mattered, we rushed Cookie and Elsa to the hospital, where Elsa received:

✔️ IV antibiotics & plasma transfers to build her immune system
✔️ Milk replacement formula to keep her alive
✔️ Gentle bonding efforts to help Cookie accept her baby

Despite the challenges, Elsa fought hard—and she survived. 💛

Though Cookie never fully accepted nursing, Elsa was able to get 25% of her milk needs from her momma, while we bottle-fed her the rest. After weeks of patience, hard work, and prayers, Elsa grew stronger.

The best part? Once she returned home, she and Cookie finally formed a close bond.

Luna’s Journey: From Pain to Peace

While Elsa was fighting for her life, another donkey named Luna was struggling in silence.

A rescue friend alerted us to her suffering, and TPDR immediately stepped in to purchase her and get her emergency veterinary care.

Luna had a painful leg abrasion that needed daily treatment, but her biggest issue? Her feet.

Her hooves had been severely neglected for years, leaving her in agonizing pain. She could barely walk and was lying down frequently just to escape the discomfort.

The vet and farrier worked together—administering pain relief and sedation so that her hooves could be properly trimmed for the first time in ages.

The difference was immediate.

✔️ Luna began walking more comfortably
✔️ She lay down less frequently
✔️ Her wounds healed beautifully

But the damage was already done.

Years of neglect left permanent issues in her legs, meaning she will never fully recover. Her pain must be managed for the rest of her life.

Luna will remain at TPDR as a sanctuary donkey, where she will receive love, care, and comfort for as long as she maintains a good quality of life.

How You Can Help

Elsa and Luna survived because people cared. Because supporters stepped in to give them the urgent medical care they needed. But there are so many more donkeys just like them, waiting for their chance.

🐴 Will you help us continue to save donkeys in need?

Your donation provides:
✔️ Emergency medical care
✔️ Life-saving nutrition
✔️ Sanctuary for those who cannot be rehomed

💛 Donate today to help donkeys like Elsa & Luna!