When Duchess arrived at Turning Pointe Donkey Rescue, we knew she needed help. She had a large growth on her muzzle, and without proper diagnosis and treatment, her future was uncertain.
We immediately had our vet perform a biopsy to determine if the growth was cancerous or a sarcoid (a type of benign tumor common in donkeys). Thankfully, it was not cancerous—a huge relief. Even better, the growth wasn’t interfering with her ability to eat.
But there was one challenge: It was too large to remove surgically.
Since cutting the sarcoid out wasn’t an option, we tried a new vaccine treatment—injecting it directly into the growth twice over two weeks. This method has helped shrink sarcoids in some cases, but unfortunately, Duchess’s sarcoid actually grew.
We needed a new plan.
Now, we’re using a topical paste called Xterra, applied once a day for five days, followed by a two-week break before starting another round. We just completed our third cycle—and it’s working!
The sarcoid is gradually shrinking, layer by layer. The paste is said to burn off the tumor tissue, but after accidentally getting some on my hand (don’t worry, I was fine!), I need to do a little more research on how exactly it works.
Our goal is to shrink the sarcoid enough for surgical removal. Once it’s small enough, we’ll:
✔️ Cut off the remaining tissue
✔️ Cryo-freeze small pieces
✔️ Implant them in her neck so her body can build antibodies and prevent regrowth
We’ve had great success with this procedure in the past, so fingers crossed that it works for Duchess too!
For now, she’s a little grumpy about the daily treatments—she’s been giving me the classic donkey cold shoulder (aka turning her bum to me 🤣). But she’s a fighter, and we’re hopeful that with continued care, Duchess will make a full recovery.
Specialized treatments like this take time, resources, and veterinary care. If you’d like to support Duchess and other donkeys in need, your donation helps provide:
✔️ Ongoing medical treatments
✔️ Proper nutrition for healing
✔️ The safe, loving environment every donkey deserves
🐴 Donate today and be part of Duchess’s journey to a full recovery!
© 2025 Turning Pointe Donkey Rescue – All Rights Reserved.
Turning Point Donkey Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) – 201751548