Hoof and Leg Issues

Hoof and Leg Issues in Donkeys

Proper hoof and leg care is crucial for donkeys’ health. Here are some common issues:

Hoof Problems

  1. Laminitis (Founder): Causes lameness and heat in hooves. Prevent by managing diet and avoiding lush pasture.
  2. Hoof Cracks/Chips: Can cause tenderness. Prevent with regular trimming and moisturizing.
  3. Thrush: Foul-smelling discharge. Keep hooves clean and dry.
  4. Abscesses: Sudden lameness from infection. Treat with drainage and antibiotics.

Leg Issues

  1. Tendon Injuries: Swelling or lameness. Rest and cold compresses help.
  2. Cannon Bone/Fetlock Issues: Swelling or stiffness from injury or arthritis. Manage with joint supplements.
  3. Contracted Tendons: Common in foals. Stretching or corrective shoeing may help.
  4. Leg Deformities: Abnormal leg position. Consult a vet for treatment.

Care Tips

  • Trim hooves every 6–8 weeks.
  • Maintain a controlled diet to prevent obesity.
  • Keep living areas clean and dry.
  • Seek prompt veterinary care if lameness or discomfort is noticed.