We have all been hard pressed for an original gift idea from time to time. You know… you want to give something special, something uniquely from you — the devout mule or donkey fan. We have a fresh idea for your consideration. An idea that may just fill in those cracks in your gift list and more importantly, a gift that is given not just to your recipient but to an abused, neglected, and unwanted donkey or mule which, not too long ago, was on its way to the slaughterhouse.
Do you have city folk who can’t have a donkey like you, but like you, would just love to have one? Would your retired parents cherish a reminder of farm days and that faithful long-eared companion of yesteryear? Do you know of a child who wants a donkey in the worst way but whose parents are not in the position to grant such a wish? How about a co-worker? Neighbor? What about YOU?
Please select your sponsorship wishes and get started in a wonderful relationship with a long eared friend today!
Choose a sponsorship level that suits your heart and your budget. Each level makes a direct impact on the lives of donkeys in need, covering essentials like food, veterinary care, and rehabilitation.
Your support at the Bronze level helps provide veterinary care and daily feeding for one of our special adoptable donkeys
You will assist with veterinary and day to day care for two of our adoptable long eared friends.
You will assist with veterinary and day to day care for four of our adoptable long eared friends
© 2025 Turning Pointe Donkey Rescue – All Rights Reserved.
Turning Point Donkey Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) – 201751548