About Quentin

Quentin made it safely to the vet hospital—a huge step in his journey to recovery. It took 45 minutes of patience and encouragement to get him into the stall, as he was hesitant and unsure. But through it all, he remained gentle and cooperative, simply needing the time and reassurance to move forward at his own pace.

Once settled, the vets quickly identified a brewing case of pneumonia, and he’s now on antibiotics to help fight the infection. They’ve run two rounds of bloodwork due to his poor appetite, but thankfully, nothing unusual has been found. One concern was ruled out—he’s perfectly healthy in his “man parts,” which is a relief. However, his lack of appetite remains a major worry.

The vets are closely monitoring him for hyperlipidemia, a dangerous condition that can develop in donkeys when they stop eating. They’ve tried every type of hay and grain, but Quentin, being Quentin, prefers fresh-picked grass—which, given the severe drought in Texas, is hard to come by. The vet suspects he’s deeply depressed, which absolutely breaks my heart. If only I could wrap my arms around him, let him feel the love and comfort he so desperately needs, and assure him that he’s safe now.

Right now, we are searching for Timothy hay—the closest substitute to fresh grass that might entice him to eat. If you’re in the Weatherford, TX area or know someone who has Timothy hay for sale, please message me.

Quentin has a long road ahead, but we are doing everything possible to get him healthy and happy again. If you’d like to support his care, please consider donating—every bit helps provide the food, medical care, and love he needs.