About Quentin

Quentin made it safely to the vet hospital on Saturday. It took 45 minutes to encourage him into the stall as he was very unsure. He was a good boy though. No acting out, just not wanting to move forward. So they allowed him to go on his time.

Quentin has pnemonia brewing, so they have him on antibiotics. The vet ran his bloodwork twice since he arrive as his appetite is poor. There was nothing unusual found either time. The vet believes that he is just very well endowed with no issue in his man parts. That’s a relief. However, his lack of appetite is a huge concern which is why they keep checking his bloodwork for signs of hyperlipidemia. They are trying every different kind of hay and grain. Of course, he prefers picked grass which is lacking in the drought ridden Texas right now. The vet thinks he is very depressed. Breaks my heart that I can’t wrap my arms around him and surround him with my love and let him know everything is going to be ok.

If your in the Weatherford Texas area and know of anyone who has Timothy hay for sale, please pm me. The vet thinks he may eat that since it’s closest to the grass that he has been munching on.